Thoughts From My Writing Journey…
At a point of inflection in my women in tech career path, I received ‘The Hospital By the River: A Story of Hope,’ a book by Dr. Hamlin, among my birthday gifts. At first, I was a bit reluctant to read the book because I know how empathetic I am, and when I am exposed to human suffering, I go the extra mile to help people. I think that’s why God created me to pursue a women in tech career because had I been a doctor or nurse, I would have pampered patients to a point where they would not be inspired to leave the hospital.
Doctors are strong, and they have tough love and the strength they need to spend days and nights in the hospital treating patients who have experienced the effects of disease on their bodies. One of my neighbors is a surgeon, and she is researching breakthrough treatments. I never have enough strength to hear about her research and testing. I always ask her how she feels conducting surgeries, and her words are always, “If I don’t do my job, the patient may not recover”.
I thank God for all the doctors in our world.
Being a tech career professional is where I thrive best; I solve problems using technology. However, my journey was inspired by a doctor who changed my life forever. When I received Dr. Hamlin’s book All the way in the sub-Sahara Africa, a few days later, she was featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show. We watched that show with my mom and prayed after the program; hearing how Dr. Hamlin, a Christian woman whose grandparents had preached the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world, pursued her career as a sacred calling was my point of inflection.
From that moment, I knew that I had been called to use technology for the good of society and to serve a higher purpose that would enhance people’s lives. My work days ceased being mundane, but they became a Holy Spirit-led experience daily. I started experiencing purpose, and my projects at work had an impact that improved efficiencies for companies and organizations.
The most memorable day in my purpose and calling was the glorious, blessed day when I talked and prayed with Dr. Hamlin for my women in tech career. She was in Ethiopia, and I had just started my first tech engineering program delivery on the systems architecture runway.
Her encouraging words stayed with me forever. I write more about that day in my upcoming book, ‘I Am Esther,’ and how she blessed me and prayed for me so sincerely that we both shed tears on that phone. She interceded that the Holy Spirit would precede me in my career path, that I would always continue to walk in paths of righteousness in my profession, and that I be protected from evil all the days of my life!
And we said AMEN!
Circa 2004, When I received the book for the first time…

October 2024: I received a recent updated version of ‘The Hospital By The River’
This week, I received the latest version of Dr. Hamlin’s book, In Our Year of Multiplication, a year where there is indeed a river whose streams are making glad the city of our GOD, a river that is a great blessing to us, flowing with abundance and an overflow of the Holy Spirit in our midst

Excerpts From ‘I Am Esther’
My upcoming book reminded me that my point of inflection was inspired by a successful calling to serve at a hospital when I served as a woman in tech at the Hadassah ER Underground Hospital (enjoy, be blessed, and join our mailing list to remain in touch and receive daily encouraging words from us and updates)

Your career, your ministry, your business is an opportunity to respond to a call to action for such a time as this!
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