Inside the greatest diplomatic negotiations of the past 50 years. Based on interviews with over 60 key figures in American diplomacy, including former presidents and secretaries of state, and major political figures abroad, Eizenstat provides an intimate view of diplomacy as today’s history. The Art of Diplomacy will be an indispensable volume to understand American foreign policy and provide invaluable insights on the art of negotiation for anyone involved in government or business negotiations.
Meet the Collective reading club founder/ author
I'm a book collector and I enjoy reading classics, literary original manuscripts master pieces, and special editions. At her royal highness Queen Camila of England's inaugural Queen's Reading Room event, we spent time reading the works of Mark Twain, C.S Lewis and Charles Dickens.
I am a Christian, and credentialed Good Will Ambassador to the nation of Israel by the Israeli Government Ministry of Tourism.
As I was praying about my first book club selection,
I endorse 'The Art Of Diplomacy'
This book has informed me about diplomatic perspectives that shaped our world enabling justice, respect of the rule of law while upholding that good is not labeled evil and evil is not labeled good.
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15